By Ibn Taofeeq Abdul Azeez
While Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been brought back to the negotiating table, under Kuwait’s mediation, little progress was made on resolving the three-year-old dispute; the trade and travel embargo on Qatar by a quartet of countries—the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt—has not been lifted. The Saudis and Qataris have talked, and cordially; the Saudi foreign minister even sent a virtual message that an agreement was “within reach.”
Now that Saudi has restored ties with Qatar, where is that leader of Salafiyyah in Amukoko that claims Saudi was on the right manhaj taking Qatar as an enemy? He organized lectures in 2017, wrote articles, himself and his cohort in Ilorin ostracized Muslims from the fold of sunnah, they labeled people Ikhwanis/Sururis for blaming Saudi for such nuferious act. Those who have zero knowledge about the politics of MiddleEast and have become zombies to Saudi Arabia and her stances!
Where is Aa’id Al-Qarni who was released on the basis of his support for “Vision 2030”, thereafter came live on television to renounce his sympathy for Ikhwanul Muslimeen on such ground!
I could remember saying it then that enough of these political issues our people regard religious! Most of the palace scholars they revere are cowards who cannot confront the prince harshly; the brave ones are in the prison for less; just for ordinary tweet.
Now that they have started resolving their political differences, when will Saudi release Salman Al-Awdah and those who were detained alongside with him for just tweeting that may Allah joins the hearts of the two countries with peace? When will those who criticized Salman Al-Awdah and alleged him of publicly criticizing a ruler apologize?
Saudi then even made it a condition that before they can restore ties with Qatar, they have to disband Al-Jazeera, renounce their support for Ikhwanul Muslimeen and other funny and childish conditions. Has Qatar aqeedah now changed from Ikhwaniyyah to Salafiyyah O Salafi? Or why is Saudi restoring ties with the Ikhwanis? Bunch of jokers!
One thing about Salafiyyah and her scholars I have been saying ever since is that, the government had already hoodwinked all these scholars such that their valid views are mainly restricted to social and some religious matters as Solaat, Haidoh, Hajj and other ibaadaat; but when it comes to Siyaasatu Shar’iyyah (Islamic politics), they are Matrukoon (left aside). Or have you seen any of the so called Kibar Ulamaau issues any statement after the two countries resolved their ties? Whereas, in 2017, they issued hundreds of releases, organized numbers of public lectures, creating a nexus between the political fight and religion. The likes of these scholars are traitors and betrayers of the pristine Islamic teachings. Many of the Saudi scholars’ Fataawa in the areas of politics and governance are largely influenced by foreign and internal policies of the government.
Likewise those who are puppets to Qatar. Those who support Qatar blindly and think they are the innocent one fighting for the cause of the Palestinians. I won’t be surprised seeing Qatar joining ties with Israel tomorrow (I never pray so). Even Turkey, I’ll never be surprised. Anyone who understands the international/MiddleEast politics will know he is just to support and acknowledge the goodness that comes from any of these countries and oppose any form of injustice and illicit act that comes from any of them.
Politics and partisanship of historical past had more influence on our perception of the teachings of Islam. Nay! We still never learned from history.
Kudos to the scholars who spoke the truth and emulated the true way of the Salaf who were equally arrested and imprisoned by despots of their time.
Saudi Arabia will not stop because they fund the ignorance of the palace Sheikhs to a level of global acceptance deceitfully brandished as Manhaj of the Salaf using petrol Riyal. But the Prophet had wished and warned if scholars could boycott such a despotic system.
If the original salaf had still lived till this despotic regime, majority of them would have been languishing in prison because they will not remain silent.
If the scholars boycott such despotic system, they will be caged, and it is better to be imprisoned. Most of the Salaf are prisoners of conscience; we read it, it is not hidden. They were either tortured or imprisoned. Abu Haneefah, Sufyan Thawri, Imam Malik, Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmad, Imam Nasaa’i and very many of them. Some were even matyred from among the Sahabah and Taabi’een and generations after them.
Saudi is not Islam even if it spends money to spread dogma of insensitivity.
Contrary to what is obtainable nowadays, original Salaf did shun monarchical influence and used to run away from being stooges to any government or authorities. For instance, Imam Sufyan Thawri died as a fugitive because he was avoiding the king. Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Maliki, Imam Shafii all ran away from the kings so their Fataawa would not be influenced by the stooge and the affluence.
In fact, Imam Ahmad rejected gifts from his own son who was working for the government of his time.
Glory be to Allah that the early scholars ijtihād are still traceable and we often refer to in the matters of the Deen, else, the Deen would have been corrupted! Were they to have lent themselves to the palace influence and the corruption of the affluence like many scholars of today, the incorruptible Islamic golden legacy of Islamic knowledge would have be utterly lost to greed and avarice.