Let lorries of troubles leave the park of
your mind. Let the night fall like a cold
shower with caressing hands, wiping
away the solitude.
Let mothers’ love engulf you like a baby
shawl, smooching out and straightening
out the uxorial needs.
Let comfort find your nerves, kneading out the sorry stories of short lived advances, and
dreamy romances that are yet to manifest.
Let us hear you breath out solitude from
stressed body patched by the afternoon
sun that licked the middle of the head.
Let us hear your shadow that jumps around
dodging from the sun. Let it tell of lazy
excuses that couldn’t earn it proposition.
Let self-love find you, teach you how to live
the best of “you”, wear you a beautifying
smile in a mind that palliates the very
solitude that wears you out.
Adesokan Babatunde Waliyullah (toonday), Nigeria, Oyostate